There were two key phrases that came from a passage that was read to us today at my Writing Institute:
...and in the morning, the sun comes up again
...dancing with the absurdity of life.
I want to share my Writer's Response with you. It went like this:
Wow, I wasn't expecting to hear two phrases this morning that hit me right in the face. The first one, "and in the morning, the sun comes up again"...Isn't that just the greatest gift? There are nights I go to bed with the heaviness of my day and fortunately get to sleep and refuel for the next day. And, so far, there's that sun the next day telling me that I get a brand new (clean slate) day to experience. I must admit life has not been as much fun as I would have liked it to be, but I'm still putting one step in front of the other. There are blessings all around, one of them having the humble honor to get to know the people in this room, to get to challenge my thinking and to plan my future. Yes, the trials remain...those absurdities of life that she read about. Yet, I choose to dance with them. Joy, laughter, and smiles cannot be contained even if you have two emotional left feet. So, I'll keep playing my "Happy" song every morning and really, really try not to sit out any of the dances of life. My dance card is full and I want to dance with every hopefully happy experience that I know is in store for me!
Monday, June 30, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
Demo Disappointment
Yesterday I presented my teaching demo to the rest of the teachers in our group. I think everyone figured that since I am a "seasoned" teacher that it was a piece of cake for me. They couldn't be further from the truth. I was very nervous and I am not really sure why. I actually prepared my presentation last weekend. I gathered books, student notebooks, practiced in my car, and even ran to Kroger before class to buy a Dry Erase Marker to make sure I would have one that wrote clearly. I bought a box of 96 crayons for the activity, only to drop it on the floor with crayons flying everywhere. This should have been my first red flag.
Anyway, I am not saying it was a total failure. I had a lot of good things included, but I just had too much. It was overloaded. I was trying to wear two hats: one of a college instructor demonstrating how I worked with my student teachers and the other as a former teacher giving them ideas they could use in their own classroom. As it turned out, what I thought was not that creative ( a simple mapping technique) was the foundation of the writing lesson. I should have stopped there and let everyone write about their shoes. Instead I went on and on and on....thus, overloading the presentation.
What did make me happy was how much some of the teachers really like my idea of having my Student teachers complete a Writing Notebook, which was really a multigenre piece by the time it was completed. Plus, it was something they could have forever to use as a reference to things that had impressed them the most during my class.
Anyway, I had some great feedback from those I greatly respect. Its just that I knew better and wish I had "overs" because being my worst critic, I wanted to end on a high note.
Anyway, I am not saying it was a total failure. I had a lot of good things included, but I just had too much. It was overloaded. I was trying to wear two hats: one of a college instructor demonstrating how I worked with my student teachers and the other as a former teacher giving them ideas they could use in their own classroom. As it turned out, what I thought was not that creative ( a simple mapping technique) was the foundation of the writing lesson. I should have stopped there and let everyone write about their shoes. Instead I went on and on and on....thus, overloading the presentation.
What did make me happy was how much some of the teachers really like my idea of having my Student teachers complete a Writing Notebook, which was really a multigenre piece by the time it was completed. Plus, it was something they could have forever to use as a reference to things that had impressed them the most during my class.
Anyway, I had some great feedback from those I greatly respect. Its just that I knew better and wish I had "overs" because being my worst critic, I wanted to end on a high note.

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!
Today felt a little strange. I have been so used to the routine of our NSWP, that I had to think a moment after I woke up this morning, exactly what day it was and where was I supposed to be. The next thing on my mind was that it really didn't matter that it was our day off because for me, I have so much left to do in order to finish all of my assignments. I wound up going to the library after one diversion to a garage sale and another quick stop by Starbucks. At the garage sale I found picture books by Eric Carle, Eve Bunting, and Jane Yolen in PERFECT condition. Throw in one other book by a new author and I had about $50 worth of books for $2.00. Sweet, so sweet to this lover of those "cute books"! At Starbucks I did kill a little too much time catching up with social media and talking to John's girlfriend on the phone. But, I FINALLY made it to the library and got to work. And yes, I do have a home....a lovely home. But, it has a husband, a dog, phones ringing, laundry to be done, and various other distractions. So, I always go elsewhere to do my work. I knocked out my third personal writing and the first draft of my inquiry paper. The problem now (even with this blog) is that I overthink about every sentence that I write! I am sure that is how writers feel up until they submit that final draft. I cannot wait to hand everything over to our Mighty Leaders next week. Though there is still plenty to do, I really think I can, I think I can, I think I CAN!
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming!
I thought this title might be fitting since we have had all of this great rain lately. However, I actually am referring to my ability to finish all of my assignments for the Writing Workshop I am taking now. To begin with a whine, I had to begin the second week. This stressed me out because I was behind but more importantly to me, I did not know everyone like I wanted to know them. I am a VERY social person. People mean a lot to me! Maybe that is why I was called Nosy Rosie growing up. :)
Tomorrow I am doing my teaching demo. I am the LAST one! I hope everyone has enough brain cells left to listen to one more presentation. I have a lot to say and so little time. The good thing is that my audience is perfect and I know that we will have a lot of fun least, that is my hope. If you aren't having fun doing what you do, then you shouldn't be doing it, right?
What do you like to do for fun?
Tomorrow I am doing my teaching demo. I am the LAST one! I hope everyone has enough brain cells left to listen to one more presentation. I have a lot to say and so little time. The good thing is that my audience is perfect and I know that we will have a lot of fun least, that is my hope. If you aren't having fun doing what you do, then you shouldn't be doing it, right?
What do you like to do for fun?
Monday, June 16, 2014
My Mind Is Mush!
Wow and wow. Today I began the North Star Writing Project a week late due to a death in my family and then Ron's stroke. Let me begin by saying there is nothing I love more than getting to meet new people and learning more about being a good instructor. This is a fantastic group of teachers!
All kinds of thoughts are swimming through my head. I do have lots and lots of reading to do. I have a personal piece of writing to complete by tomorrow, plus begin preparing for my teacher demonstration, book group, and final assignment. I know this sounds crazy but while I am pretty overwhelmed, I am estactically happy to be involved in this group. I did feel a little like a dinosaur at times today when I listened to conversations about dating, having babies, raising kids and first year teaching. But, then I did realize that I have the T-shirt for those fabulous experiences and now have the joy to share in the conversations of those who are having them now and in the days to come. That is one reason I love teaching at UNT. There I am helping prepare teachers. At this institute, I get to see the freshness and energy of what is happening out there now.
With age does come years of priceless experience and so I do feel like I will be able to make a contribution. My passion for teaching has grown every year since I began years ago, and until that passion goes away, I want to continue to be better and better at what I do with my students at UNT.
Marla, Taylor, Carol.....if you are reading this, I cannot thank you enough for your help today and your patience with helping me to get back on the ole horse and go!
Okay, I have things to do!
All kinds of thoughts are swimming through my head. I do have lots and lots of reading to do. I have a personal piece of writing to complete by tomorrow, plus begin preparing for my teacher demonstration, book group, and final assignment. I know this sounds crazy but while I am pretty overwhelmed, I am estactically happy to be involved in this group. I did feel a little like a dinosaur at times today when I listened to conversations about dating, having babies, raising kids and first year teaching. But, then I did realize that I have the T-shirt for those fabulous experiences and now have the joy to share in the conversations of those who are having them now and in the days to come. That is one reason I love teaching at UNT. There I am helping prepare teachers. At this institute, I get to see the freshness and energy of what is happening out there now.
With age does come years of priceless experience and so I do feel like I will be able to make a contribution. My passion for teaching has grown every year since I began years ago, and until that passion goes away, I want to continue to be better and better at what I do with my students at UNT.
Marla, Taylor, Carol.....if you are reading this, I cannot thank you enough for your help today and your patience with helping me to get back on the ole horse and go!
Okay, I have things to do!
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Where I'm From
Where I’m From
By Rosie Alexander
I am from ribbons
in my hair, a sidewalk with cracks that took me to my best friend’s house, and also
my daddy’s grocery store for popsicles.
I am from a world
where I thought I was loved by all and where I never met a stranger.
I am from paper
dolls, being the teacher for my regular dolls, and crowns made out of aluminum
I am from an
outdoor play space surrounded by bushes which consisted of many rooms all for
me and my playmates.
I am from making
mud pies, pictures I drew, and make believe stories.
I am from a
scotch-taped ribbon on my head in the nursery to refusing to wear another
ribbon at age nine.
I am from birthday
parties in my own backyard and with cakes my mother baked herself.
I am from a mother who taught piano lessons to
generations, and a father who owned a grocery store that had been in the family
for three generations.
I am from a mother
who taught school when a degree was not required and years later received a
Masters’ Degree the same year as I.
I am from a brother
who left home to serve in the National Guard, left home to go to college, and
left again to go to medical school.
I am from piano
lessons from age three through college, no music degree, and five personal
recorded piano CDs.
I am from wanting
to be a teacher since childhood, teaching elementary students for thirty eights
years, to now teaching student teachers how to teach language arts.
I am from a passion
for college students and the fun of establishing Starbucks offices all over the
world to read their assignments and write back comments.
I am from a flaming
desire to continue to teach, to learn more, and to make a positive impact
toward every student I teach.
I am from marriage
to divorce, from single parenting to an empty nest, from singleness to marrying
again thirteen years ago.
I am from the
greatest joy of being the mother of two sons to continued pride in all they do.
I am from the
amazing experiencing of seeing my son marry the girl of his dreams.
I am from having no
hair on my head, to curly hair that is sometimes out of control.
I am from the
darkest place of illness to the brightest light of the gift of each day.
I am from the love
of travel.
I am from a faith
in God from whom I draw my daily strength.
I am from the joy I
receive from having girlfriends and the joy I hope they receive from me.
I am from asking
myself, “Where are my feet?” to seeking out new adventures to be from.
***I first wrote this poem three years ago and recently revised it. I absolutely love to use it in my classes.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Room with a view!
I love to watch House Hunters. Even though I have it down: stainless steel appliances, hardwood floors, double sinks in the bathroom, open living space, lots of light and NO busy streets, I still get hooked. However, I am even more hooked by House Hunters International. That way I get to see all of these people who are either buying a "second home for relaxing" or people who are relocating to places like Hong Kong, Paris, London, and places I have never heard of. The big item for HHI is "a view". It is amazing how many homes people can buy "for the view of the ocean or the mountains".
I can certainly understand the excitement of a room with a view because that is what Ron has right now. Our window faces directly toward the Dallas skyline, hotels, and that beautiful white bridge (the name slips my mind). This view helps one who is in our situation enjoy the beauty of this city that we seldom come to see any other time. In a little while, the sun will go down and the lights will go on! It is a beautiful sight to behold. There are people with homes in this area who get to see this view every day and night. I wonder if they take it for granted as we take for granted some of the beauty surrounding our home. Every day I drive past the lake and sometimes never look at it. We have a beautiful little neighborhood with lots of trees and nature trails. Still, there is something about the night lights of a city. I have great memories of the night lights of cities like New York, London, and Paris. We could see the Eiffel Tower out our hotel window. It was quite aways from us, but you could see the light show on the top of every hour after dark. Wow and wow.
So, since there is nothing I can do to control this yet another little blip in the Alexander household, I am going to sit back and enjoy the view. I know where my feet are tonight and have planted them with lots of hope and peace gained from almost 100 people sending us encouragement.
The light show is about to begin so I must say goodbye for now.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Get me off this Runaway Train
You have probably noticed that my blog address contains the words, "Where are your feet". The reason I chose that question is understood by many and explained briefly in my profile.
Right now my feet are in a hospital room at Zale Lipshy Hospital. Ron has been admitted for stroke like symptoms. We will not have any information until tomorrow, so we are going through the motions way too familiar. Even though there are concerns in this room, there are also many things for which we are grateful. So, I am planting my feet in the moment and will let tomorrow take care of itself.
On Saturday my feet were having a great time with Ron celebrating our 13th anniversary. We went to the Shops of Legacy for lunch and then attended a movie at the Angelika Theater. At lunch we tried to remember how we had celebrated the previous anniversaries and were pretty successful I am happy to say.
On Sunday my feet were in Arkansas spending time with one of my best friends, Kay Allen. I was staying with her the night before I was to attend the memorial service of a dear family member, Bill Burnett. I always love being around Kay. We never run out of anything to say and we laugh a whole lot. The cool part was that it rained all Sunday afternoon and night. We had windows open and the cool air was absolutely wonderful.
On Monday, Kay and I drove to my hometown, Beebe, Arkansas, for the service. I saw many people who I had not seen in years. I played for the service and many people said I sounded like my mother when she played. I got to meet new family members and experience the joy of just "being" part of them. I actually had trouble focusing at times because I was so overwhelmed emotionally about being back in my hometown and revisiting part of my childhood. After the visiting was over, Kay took me by the cemetary so I could stand at the graves of my parents. It was raining very lightly still and puddles covered my daddy's name. But the word, WARREN, stood out boldly. I have always thought that was a very cool name to have.
We headed back to Little Rock where Kay dropped me off at the airport for me to catch my 8:15 p.m. flight back home. It was a short flight and only 23 of us on the plane. After I got home was when I realized that Ron was really not himself and that brings me full circle of this blog.
This is a difficult situation. However, I feel God's strength that He is sending to us through family and friends. A lot of people have been going through tough times lately. I believe that a person grows through every experience and becomes stronger each time. At least, that is my hope.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
This Is Why....
It is early Thursday morning and I am waiting in my office at UNT to go downstairs to sub for a friend. I am really looking forward to doing this because it keeps me "fresh" and I am going to be teaching this same course during the second summer term.
When I walked into my office, there sitting on my desk was a small package with a card. It was from one of my students who I had taught luckily for the last two semesters. Her words were so affirming and just what I needed to hear. Even college instructors need affirmation every now and then. Especially this one who is teaching by choice. After all, I supposedly retired in 2009 for about six weeks! Anyway, this was a great beginning to my morning. It reminded me why I am teaching still and not doing something else that looks more like someone who is "retired". That word simply doesn't fit for me right now.
Okay, I am about to go to class and will finish this post when I get back.
When I walked into my office, there sitting on my desk was a small package with a card. It was from one of my students who I had taught luckily for the last two semesters. Her words were so affirming and just what I needed to hear. Even college instructors need affirmation every now and then. Especially this one who is teaching by choice. After all, I supposedly retired in 2009 for about six weeks! Anyway, this was a great beginning to my morning. It reminded me why I am teaching still and not doing something else that looks more like someone who is "retired". That word simply doesn't fit for me right now.
Okay, I am about to go to class and will finish this post when I get back.