Friday, October 31, 2014

Can't Quit Thinking About Tennessee

Have you ever had one of those experiences that was so absolutely wonderful that it just seemed to remain in your head even after it was all over?  That is what is going on with me now.  Let me share.
Last weekend I went with my friend, Brenda Brown, to spend a weekend in Franklin, Tennessee, located just minutes from Nashville.  The event was a weekend hosted by Patsy Clairmont, known to some of you as one of the major speakers at Women of Faith.  It was called, "On the Porch With Patsy".  Patsy actually invited us to spend time with her at her home where she has not only one amazing front porch, but one in the back as well.

We began our event at the Drury Hotel Friday night where Patsy took the time to introduce each of us.  It was amazing how many things we had in common, especially those of us who are/were in the education field. Patsy made us all feel so welcome and we were somewhat starry eyed for being in the same room with her.
The next day we were guests at Patsy and Les' home where we were welcomed with a beautiful day, blue grass musicians, hot cider, and of course:  the porch!  We had our individual picture made with Patsy, toured the house and the "man cave", walked into town for shopping.  Since Brenda and I had shopped the day before, we returned early so we could just "sit on the porch" and to our fabulous surprise, Les, Patsy's husband rode up in his golf cart, and we got to visit with him.  He is an amazing man to talk to and we felt so lucky to hear stories from him about his life and his 52 years of marriage. When everyone returned, we went into the house for a lovely luncheon where we got to know each other better.  Patsy showed us some of her art and made us feel  so warmly welcome.

We were shuttled back to the hotel, then picked up again later to go have dinner at The Factory where we were entertained by Cindy Morgan, Andrew Greer and other fine musicians.  The highlight that night for me was that Patsy sat at our table.  Somehow we got to talking about hearing loss and I shared that I had just received a hearing transmitter but my batteries had died.  At that time, Patsy handed me a battery!  Turns out she wears them herself and this also turned out to be the subject of part of her "talk" that night.  It was one of those God Moments that I felt He planned out to help me as I adjust to a new world of hearing. (By the way, I saved the battery, and am going to frame it to remind me to "listen" to the Lord always.

There are way too many details that followed and all of us who attended would have our own story to tell.  As for me, I continue to think about the weekend daily.  Patsy's words are carved into my heart and soul.  Right now I am reading, Twirl, and journaling as I go.  As I type now, Cindy Morgan is playing on my CD in the background.  She is singing, "It Is Well With My Soul."  To me, this is what I feel Patsy was trying to teach us...Rest in the Lord, be still, and all will be well.

Patsy Clairmont has a sparkle and charm about her that makes us all want "to be like her"!  We all left thinking that we were her best friend. :)  What a gift to be able to have people think that when they leave you.
I cannot end this blog without mentioning Danya Clairmont.  I watched this young lady all weekend as she stayed two steps ahead of all  that was going on.  She is remarkable, simply remarkable at what she does, never drawing any attention to herself.  Thank you, Danya, if you are reading this.

And to you, Patsy, if you are reading this, thank you for making me see that there is so much more life to live, that each day is a possibility for joy, big or small, and that to let the first word I say each morning be "YES!"

Our Saturday morning gathering with blue grass music and hot cider!
Adorable picture of Brenda and Patsy.
We always have a good time where we travel.  Love this girlie.

Brenda on the front porch!

Patsy on her porch welcoming us!
Rosie on the front porch!

Rosie on the back porch!

I fell in love with this red table and chairs and am getting ready to paint mine on my sun porch1

I wanted to steal this hand towel, but figured it best to just take a picture!!

This fireplace is inside the master bedroom with the door leading to the back porch.

I took this picture from the sidewalk.

I was honored when Deb Christiansen asked me for one of my piano CDs. So happy to have a new friend from Wisconsin!

Typical expression always found on Patsy's face.

Andrew, Cindy, and band entertained us Saturday night at dinner.

Patsy with songwriter/recording artist, Cindy Morgan.

Andrew Greer, songwriter from Texas....

Patsy speaking to us on Sunday morning.  Beautiful view behind her.
Rosie, Patsy, and Brenda.

I loved the plate shelves in Patsy's kitchen.
One of Patsy's paintings.
New idea for that cake plate/dome I have in my garage!
This picture doesn't do this backyard justice.  It was a little cloudy when I took it.
We actually got to see that there really is a fall season!!
Brenda took this picture while the professional photographer was taking it, also!

Beautiful fall decorations in front of the Grand Ole Oprey House.
On Sunday, after the session, Brenda and I went to the Grand Ole Opry.
Keith wanted to have his picture taken with me.
Beautiful piece of Chuey art collection in the Garylord where Brenda and I read our books until time for the flight.
Great time in Nashville, Tennessee!  I will definitely be going back.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

This is Why...

Many people ask me why I am still "working" after retiring from LISD in 2009. The key word that makes the answer easy is "working".  You see, when you have a passion for something, it doesn't fall under the category of work.  I am still involved with education because I absolutely want to least, today.  It is by choice and I can hang it up whenever I am ready.  Once the passion goes away, I will quit, which I should.
Since joining the faculty as an adjunct instructor at UNT in 2009, an estimated 188 future teachers have crossed my path.  I have watched some of them more closely than others...some I haven't seen since they graduated.  Yet, all of them made me a better teacher and person.  I like to call them my "pups".  On Facebook I have had so many pup celebrations:  jobs, engagements, marriages, and babies! Some have become special friends and we will catch up at Starbucks now and then. Some have taken huge honors in their school districts, but their biggest honors have been the adoration of their students and the joys they are receiving as teachers.
I have been able to visit some of their classes, read to their students and sometimes, like today, simply hang out and talk to seven year olds. One of my favorite places to supervise is Cottonwood Creek Elementary in Coppell ISD.  The principal, Dr. Andra Penny, is a lady who I do call my friend, and we have had some great times working together.  This school is an amazing place to be. There is always something going on, the faculty is over the top great, and the kids are a hoot.
 Right now I have some of my pups doing their student teaching there.  I am supervising three of them.  I also have three pups who actually now have jobs there.  Lucky them and lucky CCE!  So, as you can guess, it is an absolute joy and thrill for me to go to this school on any given day to see the fruits of my labor, as little as it was.
Today, I supervised two of my three pups.  One of them (see attached picture) is actually going to finish the rest of her student teaching in Spain, so today was our last teacher/supervisor/student time together.  She presented me with this beautiful bouquet of flowers and a handwritten note that I will always treasure. Wow.  I was really touched.  She then proceeded to blow me out of the water with her final observation.  I will miss her but she has promised to stay in touch.  Personally, I think UNT should be sending me to Spain to finish my supervision!!!
I had some time between observations and went to one of my favorite places:  Ms. Stutes second grade class.  There's just nothing like spending time with seven year olds.  They are so excited about life and learning.  And this particular class loves their teacher! I decided to go hang out in the reading area (comfy couch was calling my name).  Soon I was joined by a rotation of very verbal, inquisitive, excited about life seven year olds.  We talked about Halloween outfits, Junie B. Jones, Magic Tree House books, Poke-mon and writing stories!  I watched my pup teach these children with all of the natural qualities she possesses.  She was so affirming, so positive, so skilled....I could just burst with pride.  Her students are so happy, so excited about learning and so excited about life.  Here was a young lady who sat in my classroom and is now in a classroom of her own.
So, why am I still "working"?  I bet you have it figured out by now. The time will come when this part of my journey will end, but it just isn't quite now.  There are more pups to help enter the greatest profession in the world which is that of being a teacher.  I bet you can even remember one who changed your life.  I only hope some of my students will remember me in a good way...I know I tried my best.