On January 9, 2015, I took off with Brenda to go to Disney World where she was going to run a half marathon to raise money for LLS. This is an organization that raises money to fight blood cancers like the one that I had. This year, 2015, will mark my five year anniversary since my cure, so it seemed only fitting that I should be there to see her run across that line.
We had a very early 6 a.m. flight which required our awaking at 3 a.m. Friday morning. The flight was wonderful and the plane was new. It was spacious seating and, of course, not full at that time of day. I slept most of the way which should not come as a surprise.
Upon arriving there, we boarded the Magic Disney Bus to our resort, Coronado Springs, where the rest of her team was staying. It was a beautiful place and VERY spread out. Our room was quite a walking distance from the lobby, but that was just par for the course for the rest of the trip. This was definitely an event which was about either walking or running. The neat thing was that we did not have to worry about our luggage. The hotel picked it up and delivered it to our rooms later in the afternoon.
The first order of business was for the girls to go get their packets at ESPN to officially register. Following this, we shopped around the Expo for awhile. By this time, I was really starting to get sleepy, so I sat down on the ground for awhile and waited for them. All of the things for sale had mostly to do with running.
After we left the Expo, we went to Downtown Disney. The first thing we did was EAT because we had not eaten since breakfast at the airport. We ate at a place called the Earl of Sandwich. I can truly say that it was the best sandwich I have ever put in my mouth. After we ate, the shopping began. Oh, my goodness, there was Disney stuff everywhere and it was all calling my name. However, I used restraint and wound up buying a hoodie with a small MM decal that I would certainly use later. (The weather was very chilly for Florida the first two days we were there!). I also bought an Ani and Alex bracelet with a MM face on it.
We eventually headed back to the resort to get ready for the Inspiration dinner at 5:30. This turned out to be a very special time for me. For one, my picture was one of the ones flashed on the wall as a cancer survivor. I sat there and realized that I was truly healthy again and so grateful to God and all of the people in this room. They asked for those of us who had beat cancer to stand up. This was very powerful. I heard inspiring stories from speakers that have inspired me to go home and start walking, even if it is only with a slow start.
We went back to our room and hit the sack. We were very tired from our early morning flight but more importantly, the girls had to get to sleep so they could get up at 3:00 again and head for the starting corrals!!
I got up and was out to the bus at 6:45 for the Magic Kingdom. I was hoping to see Brenda there but missed her. Luckily, I did see Shari and cheer her on. I immediately headed for the Euro-rail and headed to Epcot where the Finish Line was located. It was pretty cold, around 45 degrees, but I was fine. Once there, I got a fabulous cup of hot coffee and an insanely delicious pastry before going down to where all the runners were crossing the line. I would guess that I got there around 7:45. I stood and waited for Vicky and Brenda to cross the line until around 10 o'clock. It was so exciting to watch all of the runners. They were all sizes, ages, athletic abilities and a couple were even pregnant. It was so inspiring to see the pride in their faces. It was an amazing experience that I will always treasure and never forget. Of course, my happiest moment was when I saw Brenda pass me and cross the Finish Line a few feet away. It was such a personal experience for us to put a stamp on what we had experienced during the last five years. Incredible!
When everyone had finished, we went to the busses and headed back to the resort so they could take a shower before our plan to head to the Magic Kingdom. We ate a quick lunch then off we went. By this time everyone was running on adrenalin. They due to running; me due to standing for so many hours! Pain, pure pain. However, we plunged ahead. The Magic Kingdom was what you would expect. Huge crowds but so beautiful! I loved the first sign of the castle. The parade, the stores, the characters were so delightful. We went to It's A Small World, some went to a haunted museum, saw the Riverboat, and did more shopping. Brenda and I decided that we were "done" and decided to go back to the resort. Brenda and I got dinner to go from the hotel and ate in our room. As soon as we finished the last bite, we turned out the light around 9 p.m. I can't remember ever being so tired unless it was the night before!
Sunday morning was definitely the start of a new day! We were all rested and ready to go. We boarded the bus for the Animal Kingdom, which next to Epcot, was my favorite spot. We went straight to the Safari Ride. It was like being in Africa. There were beautiful animals to photograph and see from afar. Yes, I wouldn't have wanted that lion to be too close. His being way up on that rock was just fine for me!
We then went to ride on what one of the girls described as a "baby roller coaster ride." Now, I am not one to ride on roller coasters, but figured I could manage this one. It was actually fun but the reason it was fun was because I kept my eyes closed most of the time. I peeked and when I knew we were coming to a curve I shut my eyes while the girls screamed! It will always be referenced as the "baby ride" for Shari, Brenda and me! I felt a great sense of accomplishment after it was over! ha We continued on to some Dinosaur Ride which was also pretty scary, but fun scary. Of course, we ate and shopped all along the way!
Then it was on to The Lion King. It was so fabulous!!!! The singers were awesome and the sets with the animals were purely delightful. I loved that show! However, it was the show called A Bug's Life, I think, that was a real favorite! It was in 3D and was so great! The fun just didn't seem to stop.
Around 4 p.m. we got on the bus to go to Epcot to spend the rest of the day and end with the fireworks we had been hearing about. For some reason, my expectations for Epcot were not very high. I don't know why, but man, was I ever wrong! Epcot turned out to be a real favorite place. It was like going on a trip around the world. We walked from country to country, pausing for a little something to eat and drink here and there. We laughed so much and created some great memories. We, as friends, will always remember, "Norway"!! Yes, we will. One of my most favorite sights was the Eiffel Tower. Oh, dear, it brought back so many memories of Paris.
We wound up going to a Chinese restaurant called Nine Dragons where the food was really delicious. We took our time and really enjoyed talking and listening to each other's stories. After we finished, we went outside to claim our spots for the fireworks. As you will see in the pictures, they were incredible. Of course, they were set to music which made the presentation even more spectacular!
Great time watching those!!
After the fireworks, we headed back to catch our bus but decided to go into "one more store". When we came out, it was raining! Fortunately, it didn't rain while the fireworks were going on, and forunately, also, it didn't last long. Crazy! Anyway, we had a fabulous, fabulous day!
Magic Kingdom! |
Brenda and her marathon running shirt. |
Brenda and I at the Inspiration Dinner |
Finish line! Woo hoo! |
Vicky and Brenda after completing their half marathon! |
Brenda and I celebrate together after a 5 year run. |
It's A Small World After All! |
Mickey and Minnie |
Our traditional shoe picture |
Rosie and new friends |
Animal Kingdom - Safari Ride |
Posing just for me. |
Yes, Lion King, you can stay right where you are! |
Beautiful animal ignoring all of us. |
This is across the street from the Baby Roller coaster ride that I actually rode! |
Mt. Everest ride in the background |
Welcome to Epcot |
Eiffel Tower at Epcot |
Beautiful late afternoon sky in Germany at Epcot |
One of my favorite pictures. |
Closer view of the tower |
Fireworks at Epcot on our last night at Disney World |
Striking with music in the background! |
A very dangerous crew: Amy, Shari, Brenda, Vicky and yours truly. |
On Monday morning, we got up and packed, turned our luggage into the service and had a last breakfast together. We boarded the bus that took us to the airport and after a slight delay, took off for Texas. Luckily for us, we were one of the last planes out before they started delaying flights due to bad thunder storms. For us, the end of a perfect trip.
It seems that every time I go somewhere I
continue to think, "That was the best time ever" and this was no
exception! However, the real story is that is what travel does for me.
It makes me deliriously happy every time I do it. I love going to
places, being with people, and creating new experiences. What I can say
about this one is that Disney World truly was a Magical Place!
Lion King! |
Fantastic Finale of Lion King! |