Honestly, I do not know where to begin with this blog about my actual birthday, May 20, 2017. Yes, it was a big one so I will simply get that out of the way. However, I look at it not as getting old, but as celebrating 70 years of incredible living. My heart is full of thanksgiving for all of the blessings that my life has been given. God has shown grace in the joyous times and also in the difficult times.
So I will just begin:
The day started with John and I taking a drive over to see Betty, my 91 year young best friend. I could write an entire blog about this incredible human being but will save that for another time. I will say that I love her more than the last number and a visit with her was a perfect way to start the day.
When we returned back to the house, there arrived a gorgeous bouquet of flowers from my niece, Ann Marie and her husband, Alan. She will never know how much receiving those flowers meant to me. It was a perfect addition to my birthday morning.
John and I decided to take Alex for a walk to the lake and back which was so much fun. I always treasure time spent with him because he rarely gets to come home. When we got home, Robert and Mandy arrived from Oklahoma City. Now my heart was truly full of joy. Anytime I have the three of them under the same roof, I am in heaven. A short time later, up walk Sandra Garrett and Kay Allen! They had been here two weeks earlier and I was so touched that they would make the return trip for my party. We began our celebrating with a glass of wine and then everybody decided to go get ready.
The party was held at the home of my daughter by another mother, Deana Eiland, and her husband, David, and son, Chase. They call it Eiland Paradise and it truly is that. They have a beautiful tropical type backyard that is absolutely stunning and perfect for a party. Deana and David graciously share their home with others and I was so humbled that we could have my party there. Weather had initially been a concern but the night could not have been more pleasant.
However, what made this party so perfect were the friends and family who came. In total, there were 42 guests who chose to come celebrate this special birthday with me. Every time a guest walked out into the backyard, my heart skipped a beat with excitement. For you see, each person holds a special part of my heart and part of my life. Some of our friendships are new and some go back more years than I want to mention. :) I hope they know that they helped create one of the happiest nights of my life.
Those who know me are not going to be shocked when I say that the best part was having both my sons there at the same time. They, along with Ron, pulled off this wonderful event for me. For a gift, they gave me a framed piece of writing entitled: 70 reasons why we love you. They together came up with phrases that touched every fiber of my heart. Some made me want to laugh, some made me want to cry and some, well, all I could do was shake my head. It was truly an amazing gift.
So, yes, it was the best birthday ever and one I hope I will always remember. ha I am so excited about life. I have never been at such a good place and look forward to every day that it is ahead. My goal will be to have the most fun possible! Enjoy the pictures! Sorry that some are a little dark due to the fact that we were outside.
My beautiful flowers from my niece, Ann Marie, and her husband, Alan. |
I began my birthday with a visit to my dear friend, Betty Tucker, age 91. |
Sandra Garrett, Brenda Anderson, me, Cathy Feist, Kay Allen and Brenda Brown |
Rosie and sweet friend, Kathy Dixon |
We are girlie buds: Mary Ann Yantis and me |
My world: Robert and John |
Ron with daughter, Lindsay and son in law, Josh |
Lindsay and John |
Debbie and Dave Sanders and me. Very incredible friends |
My "feet" birthday cake |
Robert and John framed 70 reasons why they love me. |
My angel on earth, Brenda Brown |
Always a good time when John and Mary Ann Yantis are around |
Diane and Fred Clements: dear friends |
Me with my favorite first born son. |
Still my favorite first born son |
What a group: Gary Johnson, James Feist, Robert and John |
Good friends, Joan Curtis and Carol Wickstrom |
I love these guys more than the last number! |
My long time friend, Evy Briggs |
Pure love: Robert, and his wife, Mandy. |
My crazy girlfriends from Arkansas, Kay Allen and Sandra Garrett! |
One of my favorite guests, Emerson, with both of his grandmothers, Gigi and Lovey. |
My good friends, Sandra Garrett and Karen Acuff, the best teacher ever on this planet. |
David Eiland and Sandra taking a seat! |
Brenda taking down names as I opened my incredible presents. |
I have no idea what we are discussing!
The caterer from "Hey, What's for Dinner?" |
Steve Grifin talking with Ron.
This sweet boy, Emerson, singing Happy Birthday to me! |
My office mate, Lois Knesek, her husband, Gerald, and Carol Wickstrom
Wonderful family brunch the day after!

My boys |