Friday, January 31, 2020

It Never Gets Old

"What never gets old?" you might ask.  I am referring to my favorite question, "Where are your feet?" which was asked of me many years ago by my dear friend, Kaylene Warner.  At first, I thought this was a rather strange question but once she told me to align my head and my heart with my feet when things got a little tough, it all made sense.  Maybe "tough" is not actually the best word for it.  Maybe words like "apprehensive" or "anxious" are what I am looking for.  The question was in reference to  either my concerns for the past or anxieties for the future.  In any case, I took that question home with me that afternoon and have shared it with hundreds of people since.  The main place I shared it was with my students at UNT.  I would ask them to answer that question for me on the first day of class.  I encouraged them to use it throughout the year when they got a little ahead of themselves with thoughts of the future.  Well, they not only used it for the rest of the semester, but many still write me today saying they had to "stop and ask themselves" where their feet were on that particular day! I shall never forget one graduation when I was sitting in the stands waiting for the ceremony to begin. All of a sudden I received a ping on my phone.  When I looked, there was a picture of several of my students circled up in their graduation gowns showing me where their feet were.  One of my students included a picture of her shoes on her graduation announcement. One year we couldn't have class because of snow.  I can't tell you how many pictures I received that day of house shoes, snow boots and socks! ha I have received pictures of "feet" from brides, friends taking pictures of their feet all over the world, and have included many pictures of my own feet during my own travels!

The reason I brought this up is because yesterday I received a text from one of my students who I have now.  She wrote me that she had had a really tough time and was considering not coming to class.  She said, "I then remembered to ask myself where my feet were" and decided to come on to class because I knew I needed to be there.  She decided she needed to be in the moment.  So, there it was again.  A result of a simple question from a student who needed to ask it.

Yesterday my feet were in my classroom where I was just winding things up for the day.  I was seated at one of the tables when this tall guy walks in.  I remember glancing up then back down and thinking, "That guy looks so much like John."  Then instantly I realized that it was John! It is a day later and I am still floating.  Oh, it was a complete shock but such a wonderful surprise!  The only thing that could have topped it would have been for his brother to walk in behind him. :)  Since John lives in Pittsburgh, the days are few and far between that I get to see him. All I can say is that it was a thrilling moment.  My heart is so full when it comes to both of my sons.  They are truly wonderful men who are contributing so much to this world.  They are smart, funny and so compassionate.  They are genuinely kind.  What more could a mom ask for?  We have a wonderful, close relationship which I know cannot be said for a lot of my friends.  I am truly grateful.

So, since you are reading this, I will ask you, "Where are your feet?"  Be where they are in this moment.  The past is gone and the future hasn't even happened yet.  Live and love for this very moment.
