Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Room with a view!

I love to watch House Hunters.  Even though I have it down:  stainless steel appliances, hardwood floors, double sinks in the bathroom, open living space, lots of light and NO busy streets, I still get hooked.  However, I am even more hooked by House Hunters International.  That way I get to see all of these people who are either buying a "second home for relaxing" or people who are relocating to places like Hong Kong, Paris, London, and places I have never heard of.  The big item for HHI is "a view".  It is amazing how many homes people can buy "for the view of the ocean or the mountains".  

I can certainly understand the excitement of a room with a view because that is what Ron has right now.  Our window faces directly toward the Dallas skyline, hotels, and that beautiful white bridge (the name slips my mind).  This view helps one who is in our situation enjoy the beauty of this city that we seldom come to see any other time.  In a little while, the sun will go down and the lights will go on!  It is a beautiful sight to behold.  There are people with homes in this area who get to see this view every day and night.  I wonder if they take it for granted as we take for granted some of the beauty surrounding our home.  Every day I drive past the lake and sometimes never look at it.  We have a beautiful little neighborhood with lots of trees and nature trails.  Still, there is something about the night lights of a city.  I have great memories of the night lights of cities like New York, London, and Paris.  We could see the Eiffel Tower out our hotel window.  It was quite aways from us, but you could see the light show on the top of every hour after dark.  Wow and wow.

So, since there is nothing I can do to control this  yet another little blip in the Alexander household, I am going to sit back and enjoy the view.  I know where my feet are tonight and have planted them with lots of hope and peace gained from almost 100 people sending us encouragement.  

The light show is about to begin so I must say goodbye for now.



Julie Sherman said...

Absolutely beautiful! You are so good at seeing the light when things seem dark. Thanks for sharing your thoughts this evening. Love and prayers to both of you!

Julie Sherman

Unknown said...

We prayed for you at choir rehearsal tonight and will continue.


Unknown said...

I love you and your attitude. Keep watching your feet! :)

Rosie's Writing Journal said...

Thanks, Julie. I have learned to do it with LOTS of practice. Still don't get it right every time. :)

Rosie's Writing Journal said...

Thank you, Renee. We really appreciate that we are not forgotten over here. :)

Rosie's Writing Journal said...

I love you back....all of the time. :)

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