Sunday, March 24, 2019

My Feet Had No Idea Where They Were!

Last Thursday was a beautiful, sunny day.  It had a little bit of crispiness in the air, but not too cool to sit outside which is exactly what my Alpha Phi girlie and I were doing.  Kealley and I had not seen each other in awhile and I wanted her to catch me up on all the news with the sorority, etc.  It has been my pleasure to be the Campus Alpha Phi advisor but time had not allowed me to attend meetings lately so I felt I was behind the 8 ball.  Anyway, I had an appointment with another student at 11:15 back at Matthews, so I hurriedly rose to hug Kealley good-bye and that is when it happened.  As I turned to walk away, I lost my footing with my sandal which caused me to take a tumble down three brick steps. The good news is that I did not crash my I-Watch!  The bad news is that the fall was so abrupt that it knocked the wind out of me, causing me to faint for a moment.  When I came to, a student was holding up my feet which caused me to return to normal immediately.  To be careful, the Denton police and EMTs were called.  They checked me out and before they left, I was standing up having a normal conversation with them. After promising that I would go get "checked out" and "not to drive", I actually walked back to Matthews to my office.  I must have been walking on adrenaline because once I got there, I realized how much pain was coming from my right foot!  I knew I was going to have to go to the ER and our office manager was insistent that I do so.

Ron was in Dallas at his doctor's appointment, so I called Cathy and James Feist to come get me and drive my car home.  James took my car and Cathy took me to the ER.  To make it short, I had a couple of x-rays which indicated no fracture but a pretty tough sprain across the top of my right foot.  I was given a boot to wear which I cursed for the next two or three days.  As of this writing, Day 4, I am finally getting used to it and much of my pain has subsided.  For the past three days I have been a mess as far as dealing with the pain of the injury.  Tears and frustration hovered for awhile, but because of my incredible husband's help, I have gotten through the worst of it.  I will continue to wear the boot until all of the pain is gone because I have a trip to The Netherlands at the end of April and don't want to mess that up.
For the sake of memory, I am adding the pictures of my foot!
This has been a crazy experience.  I am so, so careful where I walk when I am on campus or anywhere else.  Obviously, last Thursday I was not careful enough.  This was a lesson learned in checking out my surroundings as to "where my feet are"!  All I know is that one healthy foot is simply not enough!


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