Monday, February 23, 2015


Last Monday I was looking out of my hotel window in Franklin, Tennessee, at ice everywhere on the ground and roadways.  Today, it is Monday again, and I am looking out the window of my home in Highland Village guessed it!  I am looking at ice everywhere on the ground and my street.  I have heard that history can repeat itself, but seriously?  Ask me if I am having fun.
Now some might say that they would welcome a day at home to "curl up with a good book", watch tv, drink hot chocolate and such.  Well, I have done all of those except substitute cups of  coffee for the hot chocolate.  I have also done some UNT work, talked on the phone, surfed social media, did some personal writing and oh, of course, "listened to music".  Let's not exclude what I COULD be doing:  laundry, cleaning out drawers, closets, organizing our paperwork for our taxes, and maybe even actually cook something exciting.  I have no grounds for having cabin fever.  I have plenty to do here inside this cabin!  In fact, I don't even have anywhere to go!  I think the major symptom of my fever is that I couldn't go anywhere if I wanted to because I am trapped by ice!  Ice!!  Not a favorite subject at this house.  
Looking out the front window of my home.
My spot today!
If I am completely honest, this is a fever that remains with me whatever the elements are outside.  No one loves a kickback day under the blanket better than I.  However, I don't do inactivity for very long in mind or in body.  So, what are my options?  Well, I could get up and dance.  I could go outside with Alex who is now barking at someone much to the joy of our neighbors.  I could tackle those closets or do laundry.  Nope!  I am a powerfully, strong woman who can make it through this day without resorting to the mundane.  After all, I have a fabulous Patsy Clairmont book to finish and then The Voice comes back on tonight. And then there's dinner, and more coffee, and so on, as I wait for the ice to melt. Yes, as I wait...
View from inside of my hotel room in Franklin, Tennessee

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