Monday, September 15, 2014

It Was Time.

Today was a bittersweet day.  To be honest, I must admit that it was more sweet than bitter. The bitter part was that I said good-bye to my ever faithful Sooner Red CR-V.  After taking "her" in for an oil change and seeing the long list of "needs attention", I decided it was time to part ways. So, off to the used car lot she will go.  There was a lump in my throat as I took her last picture.  I have driven that car nearly 143,000 miles so you can imagine all the places she has taken me.  However, one must move on and that's exactly what I did.  I moved on over to the 2014 lot and found a new car that wanted to be mine.  The deal was so easy and so good that I know it was the right thing to do.  God wanted me to have that car! (Hey!  I see those of you rolling your eyes back! ha)  Think what you must, but I do have a pretty, shiny new car sitting in my driveway now.
But, it isn't all about cars.  I had the most amazing class this morning with some of my new pups.  You teachers understand how it feels when the instruction simply "clicks".  That is what happened today and it was extremely exciting.  I am so blessed to be teaching at UNT.  Okay, I know you are tired of hearing that, too.  Go ahead, roll those eyes back, then imagine me sitting here with a huge smile on my face.

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