Sunday, April 19, 2020

This Is Getting Old....

Okay, so I am basically a full time positive person. Because of this, I have really tried to greet each new day with gratitude.  Under this crisis situation, I am safely at home with both of us healthy.  My home is large enough for two people when they need some space.  Everything is in good working condition and there is money to pay the bills.  We live on a lovely street where I can walk each day with my dog and say hi from a distance to my neighbors. We have plenty to eat and have given two or three delivery services a try just for the heck of it.  Lots of to be thankful for here.   So.....

Why am I feeling funky today?  And, most importantly, what am I going to do about it?  Well, why I am feeling anxious today, I am not sure.  I am a  believer that we don't always know where our anxieties come from or that they are even there.  I think maybe today is rather a build up of all of these days of quarantine, not only, at home but with the rest of my, church, shopping, meeting friends, freedom to make choices, etc. I know anxiety can be triggered and since my little puppy has developed a limp, maybe that could be it.  Whatever the cause, I am feeling it and am definitely on a mission to remove myself from it.

Possible solutions:

1.  Laughter - I actually asked friends to post jokes on FB.  Some did and caused me to laugh out loud.
2.  Music - I just watched a concert where my son had a solo part.  This made my heart soar. Playing music throughout the day helps.
3. Food - This is the one I have to watch.  But, these chocolate chip cookies I received from friends have been pretty helpful this morning.
4.  Cooper - This little guy has a hurt paw but otherwise is very open to his sweet cuddles and hugs.

5.  Communication - I think this is the biggie.  Having lost so much communication with people is what is bothering me the most.  So, I believe, that writing some letters and cards today is going to be my beginning of getting out of this funk.  I have so many notecards hanging around my house.  I think it is time to put them to some good use.  Who knows?  Maybe one of you will receive one from me.  But, don't be offended if you don't.  Most of you do not need a card to know how much I care for you.

So, now having written this, I think I am going to go seek out Solution #3 and see how that works for me.  It just might be that ordering pizza tonight is what I need to "snap out of it!"
Solution #4

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